All scratchpad measuring components 'belong' to a user. Next see if any restore points are still out there. Scratchpad measuring components are defined by the same attributes as 'regular' measuring components, with the following additional attributes: User:The name of the user who created the scratchpad.Oracle Big Data Discovery Cloud Service Studio Users Guide. Note Some systems use Oracle tables to hold temporary or scratchpad. Studio provides a number of keyboard shortcuts to simplify interacting with Scratchpad. Before we summarize each one, the other fundamental piece of information is the Oracle dictum that all blocks much be self-describing: a table scan routine should be able to inspect a block.

Select log_mode,flashback_on from v$database Because Oracle has crash-recovery mechanisms that clean up accidents as. Oracle has four main ways of scanning a table: the pre-9ir2 table scan, the 9ir2 TurboScan, the Exadata SmartScan, and the In-Memory Scan. Just some good, old fashioned syntax to store away for later use.
Since my lunchtime is being interrupted by creating a restore point for a customer, I thought I would share my fun with you! There’s nothing earth shaking or innovative here. If you are new to Scratchpad, and want full access as a Scratchpad editor, create an account If you already have an account, log in and have fun READ MORE. Title: Comments for Oracle Scratchpad Channel Number: 4133751 Language: eng Registered On: August 30, 2012, 10:38 am Number of Articles: 5676 Latest.